Chai Bot
Chai Bot is an easy way to RSVP
The first time you connect with our Chai Bot, click here from phone browser or IOS device to get started (or text CHALLAH to 610-638-7787) or by scanning the QR code below. There’s a short on-boarding process with just a few questions (name, email, graduation year) and then you’re in! From the next time on you will be able to RSVP with just texting “Shabbat” for Shabbat dinner (or “100” for Shabbat 100!) or find out event info by interacting with this smart Chai Bot (text “events”) or holiday info by “Passover.” We are mindful of only sending occasional text (once or twice a week.)
We highly encourage current students to sign up.
Parents: Please use the newsletter sign-up here to stay updated about our program offerings.